Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Day 2 (a little late)

Hey guys! Day 2 of NaNoWriMo went smashingly! :) My plot is starting to unfold before my very eyes which makes me happy. I was talking about NaNo at lunch and I was like, "where's my plot?" And Ben was sympathizing about not having a plot, and someone says something along the lines of,
"If she has 3,000 or so words, I'm pretty sure she has a plot." That made me giggle.

Anywho, I'm really loving NaNo right now, it's getting me past my "i don't know what to write next" issue, because I really don't have a choice. Day 2 was the first day I also had school, which, let me tell you, stresses me out. I had a test in second period, so after we've finished Anna and I whip out the journals and a pen and begen writing feverishly. Then in 3rd period we were giving presentations, so I did mine, and then whipped out the notebook for the other hour and fifteen minutes. XD Then came statistics, which I really should have been giving my full attention to, but...she was going over stuff that we had already learned and quizzed on. So what did I do? You guessed it, I whipped out that journal. All of my teachers are going to start thinking that I'm turning into the perfect student. :) Of course, I already am. *wink wink*
Now to start Day 3.
5,622 words and counting!

Good luck to all you NaNoWriMo-ers.

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